We are proud of the collaboration we have with you
We are proud of the collaboration we have with you
  • 서범석 기자
  • 승인 2020.11.19 09:00
  • 댓글 0
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나무신문 창립 14주년 축하메세지 - Alain Boulet Manager, Wood Construction / QuebecWoodExportBureau(QWEB)
Alain Boulet  Manager, Wood Construction
/ QuebecWoodExportBureau(QWEB) 

Congratulations Mr. Seo for the 14th year anniversary of the Namushinmun(WoodNewspaper).

We are proud of the collaboration we have with you, and we are very grateful for the efforts you make by regularly publishing in your magazine, information on the wood products offered by the member manufacturers of QWEB, Quebec Wood Export Bureau.

Thanks to you, we have good visibility on the Korean market.

We are happy to be able to send you our most sincere congratulations on this 14th anniversary.
